They are everywhere!
It’s like something out of Better Off Dead – “I want my two dollars! I want my two dollars!” Except, they are not evil hell-bent newspaper boys that are out to get you. They are people that want to see Reno as more bike-friendly city with more bike racks, bike lanes, and greater awareness surrounding alternative means of transportation.
The Reno Bike Project and the Holland Project (website coming soon) are two organizations that are striving to make Reno a better place for bikers. Especially now that the weather has turned to longer days and warmer weather, you cannot go to downtown Reno without seeing several people either commuting, cruising, or tricking out on some type of bike.
This picture was taken outside of the Imperial Bar & Lounge the other night on Arlington and First. Imagine all the other parking spots they would have needed if they had driven cars.
We are everywhere.
Driving is it’s own disincentive.
I would say there will only be more as we went the summer months and gas prices continue along their upward trend.
I would say there will only be more as we enter* the summer months and gas prices continue along their upward trend.
We’ll see about that. Hot weather drives people behind glass just like snow.
With gas @ $3.50, fewer will drive. Great photo Robert. That was a great night out at the Imperial. Most impressive is my shoes didn’t get stolen!
I still havn’t taken my bike to work (10.5 miles). The quickest way would be Virginia to Kietzke from Zolezzi area but it doesn’t seem that safe for a non rider. Still playing with the online bike route and procrastinating. I’m determined to get over the wimp phase! It’s like jumping off a diving board for the first time without plugging my nose.
I’m right there with you, Kat. Plus, I have to wear business attire to work, and we do not have a shower. Showing up all sweaty with a helmet head isn’t exactly ideal. But you do what you can when you can, and there are many other opportunities to do your part for the environment outside of biking to work.