It has been almost ten years since I worked at Patagonia, but to this day I continue to take great interest in their business and environmental practices.
Recently, Patagonia’s Reno Service Center became the first private company in the nation to receive incentives for its recent Gold level Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.
According to the press release, “the company received real property tax abatements from the Nevada Commission on Economic Development of 50 percent over the next 10 years for the expansion of its distribution center.”
It is pretty darn cool that this is happening right here in Reno, Nevada.
This video does a great job of illustrating the measures Patagonia has taken to diminish their environmental impact as much as possible. Thanks David for pointing me to it!
tags: patagonia, leed, certification, reno, nevada, environmental, sustainability