In my last blog post I took the liberty of complaining about my irregular writing schedule of late and the significance, or insignificance, of it. Some of you called me to task in the comments, while others preferred to bring it up in private with me. Either way, it got me thinking.
If I could get this Chinese woman to quit her day job at Epcot, maybe she could do dictation for me? I bet she can type faster than me, and it would certainly make my life easier when it came to regular blog postings.
Actually, I remember sitting there filming her, watching her hands, and I began to consider all of the tourists around her and the fairly faux surroundings. I wondered if she ever imagined as a young woman that this is where her talent would be directed? She captivated me for a moment, and then I went out and bought something plastic. Then I returned and realized that she was creating greater awareness about her culture, and it was up to those that wanted to listen and feel it; or not.
wow, cool. mad skillz on the…whatever that thing is. i’d love to hear her change up the tuning and play some irish craic.
Dude, whatev. I played that cool Chinese thingy yesterday. And I was WAY faster than that.