Web Dev

Recently launched two new web projects in recent weeks.

Newsroom   Georgia Department of Economic Development
When I came into economic development for the state of Georgia, one of the first projects I worked on was in conjunction with Harris Interactive. We surveyed a number of companies and site consultants to determine what the primary factors were for relocating or expanding a company. A number of outputs helped inform some crucial changes to our web initiatives, but it also allowed me to take a step back and look at how we publish news. It became clear that it was disparate.

Commerce was in one web property while Tourism or Film were siloed in their own web properties. It did not provide a holistic view of all that was happening in the state whether from a manufacturing or say a lifestyle perspective. In addition, I have also always been a fan of the saying, no single mode of communication is 100% effective.

Therefore, I sought about creating a new newsroom that integrated all departments and content types under one roof. I hope to build in further business logic, but for now the tag based architecture of the site along with utilization of xml bring a better experience to all that is happening.

国际化业务   中国   Georgia Department of Economic Development
International Lead Generation
It is one thing to translate web copy into different international languages, but it is another to recognize the IP address a of website visitor and then customize the on-site experience. That is exactly was Get Smart Content allows for when an international visitor, for example, comes to our site. You may ask, well, what if a Japanese person enters the website while they are in the United States? Good question. That is what the language flags are for on the homepage.

I hope to keep building out this solution, but for now I have 11 international pages that use Get Smart and integrate with Salesforce.com.

Cool stuff coming that uses ESRI and ArcGIS. Just have to keep drinking my Google juice.

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