Back in Seattle after a very productive mission to Madrid and León as part of INCIBE – Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad’s International Information Security Meeting (ENISE), a benchmark international event in Spain for the #cybersecurity industry.
Thank you to The Honorary Consul of Spain and Iñigo Esteban of Pacific Northwest Advisors for their tremendous support in leading a seamless multi-day and multi-city event that brought together an excellent combination of experts and influencers for productive meetings and partnerships.
Our delegation consisted of representatives from Bayer, Coalfire, Cloud Security Alliance, Embedded-Knowledge, Inc., Greater Seattle Partners, Microsoft, Tiro Security, University of Washington Tacoma, and Washington State Department of Commerce.
We had the privilege of meeting the Mayor of Leon – president of the local business association, ALETIC Asociación Leonesa de empresas TIC – director general of Incibe, Felix Barrio Juarez – the SCAYLE supercomputer at the Universidad de León – global cybersecurity companies – and more.
Great to engage many new friends in Spain and beyond.