Tag Archives: scripps

Case Studies

Savvis_Case_Study_thumb Case Studies are probably not the first thing you want to cozy up next to the fire with – and some can make your eyes bleed – but they are effective tools for communicating what you actually do for clients. Get beyond the marketing spin and there is some quality content there.

This year I included a rather bold but hopefully doable strategic initiative which is to produce 1 case study per month. It is now March and so far I have 3 in the bag. Hopefully I can keep it up.

One just completed this week was in conjunction with Savvis, the industry leader in cloud computing. Based in Atlanta, my company uses their infrastructure to manage thousands of media and newspaper properties in North America.

As I state in the case study,

“The media industry has undergone a tremendous revolution in how content is consumed,” said Robert Payne, director of marketing for SAXOTECH. “Our cloud solutions have helped the media leaders compete and get to where they are today.”

Here are a couple of others:

Scripps_CaseStudy The E. W. Scripps Company is a diverse media concern with interests in newspaper publishing, broadcast television stations and syndication. Scripps operates daily and community newspapers in 13 markets, and 19 broadcast TV stations. Scripps also operates Scripps Howard News Service and United Media, the worldwide syndication home of Dilbert, Marmaduke and 150 other features and characters.



The Daily Herald, a Paddock Publication, is the third largest newspaper in Illinois. With more than 1,300 square miles of coverage, including 100 communities and 21 advertising and content editioning zones, the Daily Herald is one of the most complex newspapers in the industry and sets the standard for localized and personalized print and online news and information.

Honored by Editor & Publisher magazine for 10 Newspapers That Do It Right, The Daily Herald was singled out for its organizational changes… to efficiently coordinate and disseminate newsroom content in print and digitally.