Who Gives a Damn?

My frequency of blog posts has been utterly pathetic as of late.

It is not like I haven’t been getting out and about. In fact, in the past three weeks I have surfed in Sebastian, Florida, attended an art show and an oyster roast in Charleston, South Carolina, and worked and skied in Reno-Tahoe.

Certainly plenty to write about.

In fact, as I type I am getting ready to leave for Salt Lake City in the morning for additional work related activities, as well as some long overdue skiing in the Wasatch Mountains with good friends.

Still, that is little excuse for not writing.

Maybe it is because I am often busy allocating words to my company’s blog, press releases, web copy, marketing plans, and magazine articles?

I suspect that still doesn’t warrant my flagrant inattention to my own personal pursuits.

Or, is it because I don’t think you really give a damn about all of that, and believe you’d rather poke your eyes out with a burning stick than read all this nonsense about how I think I am significant to anything meaningful in your life?

Instead, how about a ski picture I took in Tahoe on Saturday while backcountry skiing? Yes, that’s better…


Ski Resort Marketing

In order to truly understand a brand it helps to experience it firsthand.

HeavenlySnowboarder When we at Twelve Horses are not busy geeking out on the web, many of us here are charging hard somewhere in the outdoors. Whether it is around Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada range that rise above our Reno office, or the Wasatch Mountains that tower above our Salt Lake City location, a common means of experiencing these environs is on a pair of skis or a snowboard. Come visit us and you’ll find that the last powder day is a common conversation around the water cooler. Even as I type this blog post apres ski session, I am looking out across big, beautiful, snow-laced Lake Tahoe and looking forward to the next time.

This company culture is undoubtedly a major contributing factor as to why we service so many destination and sports marketing clients. Passion for these pursuits permeate our client work and online marketing endeavors such as brand building, web design and development, email and multi-channel marketing, social marketing, and search engine optimization. It works well because we are marketers and technologists that are a part of the target snow sport audience. 

When I came across this blog post titled, Seasonal SEO and Online Marketing for Ski Resorts, I couldn’t resist beating our own drum. Not only is it an informative and well-written post on online marketing for ski resorts, but it also touches upon one of our clients that we have serviced for more than 12 years – Heavenly Mountain Resort. It is a great compliment, but it also gives you a window into what we have been doing for them. Here is an excerpt.

Heavenly Resort in Lake Tahoe is perhaps the best example of a ski resort with an effective online marketing strategy. They are relatively well optimised for search and have good visibility in the search results. They have developed a MySpace profile and their website offers a range of initiatives including videos, daily podcasts and RSS feeds for their interactive blog, mountain condition updates and their own TV show.

Our work for Heavenly has also garnered several awards including a Web Award, ADDY, and California Travel & Tourism Award, and this success stems from a well-designed website that relies on the right online tools to reach and resonate with a global customer base. But I also believes that it comes from a deep and personal understanding of their brand.

See you on the hill!


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Video Video Video

With the proliferation of online video there is no question that it has become a preferred method for communicating a message. How many of you would prefer to spend 4 minutes watching a video as opposed to 4 minutes of reading straight text? {Except for this of course! ;~)}

We recognize the importance of it and are actively blending video into various social and interactive marketing campaigns for our clients; for example, websites, landing pages, mobile devices, and social networks like YouTube and Facebook.

This content can also be extended to sales teams to help illustrate a particular product, service, or the unique value of the company they represent. It can be used at a tradeshow, powerpoint presentaion, or live on your iPod for that perfect moment when it can compliment a particular point you are about to make.

It might even be something that serves to personalize your brand and communicate something a little deeper, as this video shows.

Well, now there is another way. Google recently announced they are beginning testing for video ads on search results pages. For now it is no more expensive than the usual CPC you would make. This marks a new means of delivering targeted, measurable messages in a rich format, and it is something you should consider as part of your SEM campaigns.

Let ‘em see it!


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I’ll Have Another…or Not?

The one thing the Tampa Bay area is in no short supply of is good music.

Friday night I took in a little bluegrass at Jannus Landing in downtown Saint Petersburg, Florida. Lots of crunchies and self-indulgent ragers running around, but Yonder Mountain String Band laid it down and it was well worth going.

On my way to the bar I took a special interest in this sign and decided to snap a photo. I made a few more trips to the bar, and then some time later found myself in front of Photoshop.

In the animal kingdom certain colors say poison, others say sex. We humans are creatures of color with response dictated by a combination of nature and nurture.

What is interesting to me is that each image has it own decidedly different feel. The composite might be an onslaught for some, but either way the combination of message and hue draws the eye.

What do you see after a few of the old Makers Mark?

Helpful Blogging Tool for Posting Rich Content

Quite a number of our clients use blogs for business to establish an online presence and publish informative and searchable content to the web. Of those blogs/websites, we always use WordPress because of the flexibility for custom design and access to a seemingly endless array of community applications.  As powerful as WordPress is, it is not always the easiest application to use for non-technical business owners and employees who want to provide more than just text and links. However, there is a solution.

Windows Live Writer is a free, downloadable desktop application that runs on your Windows PC and allows you to publish pictures, videos, and other rich content to your blog/website. There are also a number of useful free extensions available that you should check out if this is of interest to you.

As an example, I will use it to show you some recent blogs/websites that we have launched in the past week or so.

Here is an example of how you can use Windows Live Writer to create a table, format, insert pictures and links. No html knowledge required.

Business Location Business Type Website
Red Rover Corvalis, Oregon Software RedRover
Eagle Gate Salt Lake City, Utah Education EagleGate
SouthernLINC Atlanta, Georgia Telecom SLINC
Big Valley Honda Reno, Nevada Retail BigValleyHonda
The Godfather Las Vegas, Nevada Entrepreneur GodFather
International Bank Concord, New Hampshire Finance InternationalBank

You can also use it to insert videos or maps. I’ll just stick to the same example as above and show the locations of these particular clients.

View Larger Map

You can also input tags that specifically relate to your blog post, which help with search engine optimization.


When you are ready to publish your post, simply click Publish, and it will also do a quick spell check for you. If you are not ready to publish yet, simply Save Draft for later, or set the publish date and it will post automatically. There are several other handy little features for you to explore and find on your own.

To get started, simply go to the Windows Live Writer page to download it. Once you have installed the application, go to “Weblog” in the upper navigation and select “Add Weblog Account.” There you will be asked to give the url of your blog, as well as your username and password. That’s it! You can even add other blogs if you like. It will detect the styles, plugins, categories, and recent posts for each one.

A key component of a successful blogging strategy is doing it fairly frequently The more empowered you and your colleagues are to publish content to the web the more likely you are to do it. I hope this helps.

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Traveler IQ Test

Test your knowledge of geography by giving this widget a whirl. Also, you probably want to click over to play the larger size on their website. I’ve only got so many pixels here to play with here, and they don’t make it easy to size proportionately.

presented by TravelPod, the World’s First Travel Blog ( Part of the TripAdvisor Media Network ) 

Sunday Discovery

Despite all of my comings and goings, one particular pastime I am quite fond of are the slow Sunday mornings where I sit about the house and catch up on magazines and my favorite bloggers. It is inevitably and ironically fueled by an excessive amount of coffee, and an equally heart-wrenching amount of high-cholesterol food – yummm yummm bacon.

It was just this past Sunday that I happened to be flipping through the Asheville School Alumni Magazine, “Achievement” when what should appear before my eyes? My own self…sort of.

It is a common misconception that I paint the web with my own form rather than those of others. I have an ego, but maybe not quite as large as one might expect. The picture is one that I took of a friend of mine, not me. But it is no matter; I was pleased to see it. I hold a special place in my heart for the Asheville School. Incidentally, here is a picture of me. Okay, ego resolved.

The blog post the caption below the picture refers to is here.

And a special thanks to what I do. Twelve Horses, your reach is far and wide! :~)

eCommerce Solution for the Las Vegas Monorail

Nevada_Business_Journal_Ad I was recently working with one of our designers from the Creative Services team to produce this ad for the Nevada Business Journal when it occurred to me that I have never blogged about the work we do for the Las Vegas Monorail; therefore, I am taking the opportunity to do so now.

Before starting a relationship with Twelve Horses, the Las Vegas Monorail did not sell tickets online. This was in part because they did not have the technology to take online ticket purchases, as well as the fact that they needed an enhanced web presence. What we helped them uncover was that a lot of opportunity existed to create new relationships, increase awareness, and generate a greater demand for tickets.

If the Las Vegas Monorail was going to sell tickets online they would need an ecommerce solution that was flexible and customizable. For example, Las Vegas receives a plethora of different groups to the city. If the Monorail was going to service these customers they would need to be able to handle large group purchases, as well as offer special incentives to encourage them to do so. Furthermore, non-technical staff would have to be able to manage it whether it was adding groups, defining the ticket price, specifying date ranges, managing the payment options, setting shipping preferences, and much more.

Needless to say we built it for them. Here is a look at some of the features of the Las Vegas Monorail Ticketing Platform.

Managing Channel Partners

The Las Vegas Monorail works with a number of channel partners and groups. The ticketing platform allows them to set-up a revenue share with these partners, as well as implement their own branding and images online, in emails, and print. It is extremely flexible. For example, they can run multiple promotions at once. This was the case for the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES) where there were two different promotions – discounts for attendees and discounts for exhibitors.


The ticketing features are very diverse and capable of handling a multitude of different scenarios. Additionally, integration of ticket tracking and reporting is providing the Monorail with deeper customer insight, which enables to provide a higher level of customer service. Here are just some examples:

  1. Automated postings of ticket blocks and and auto removal of postings by set parameters such as date of expiration.
  2. Discount Codes defined and assigned either randomly or branded such as “CES2008.”
  3. Overrides conducted either temporarily or permanently to groups, types, or partners.
  4. Tiered ticket pricing based on quantity, time purchased, or aggregates.
  5. Logic in the ticketing prevents, for example, trying to use standard postal delivery when it is international.


The ticketing platform is flexible enough to allow the fulfillment of tickets via email, direct shipping, and soon – mobile.

  1. Electronic delivery allows the customer to print the voucher at home and redeem onsite.
  2. Email confirmations sent automatically with purchase confirmation, canceled order and refund, and tickets shipped. Email templates also include branding based on channel partner and/or promotion.
  3. When the Monorail handles the print fulfillment they can download all the contacts and do a mail merge on all their envelopes, mailing labels, and tickets.

Customer Service

  1. The customer service module gives the Monorail the ability to look up the customer based on any information they give.
  2. Those with set privileges can void and change tickets, which reconciles on the financial side and funnels down to the various communication channels.


  1. The Dashboard shows financial report summaries and projections, so they know how they are doing.
  2. Integration with Salesforce matches opportunity numbers to promotions so they can track real-time ticket sales and the success of a campaign. It also allows them to see important items such as what a particular vendor or channel partners agreement was from the previous year.
  3. Redemption tracking not only makes sure the ticket cannot be used again, it also lets the Monorail know where and when the customer scanned the ticket, so they can better understand traffic and know where there major stops are.

All of this may seem like a lot, but this is just a brief overview of everything the Las Vegas Monorail Ticketing Platform can do. Suffice to say, the integration of this ecommerce solution has unlocked another channel of additional revenue for the Monorail, and because it is business automation at its best, it is completely scalable and requires very little additional internal resources to get it done.

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Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow

Also known as Epcot, the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow is no small operation. The combination of Future World and the World Showcase make for a full day of rides and walking, and without question, world-class people watching.

But my motivation for driving to Orlando from Tampa and slapping down the $60 for a ticket was not driven by a strong desire to immerse myself in a sea of humanity. No. My motivation stemmed from something greater than any theme park can deliver. It was a bet. 

You see, I am not one to readily seek out close interaction with large populations of random people. It is not that I don’t respect my fellow man and woman, it is just that I typically prefer them in smaller doses; or at carefully chosen venues where I can typically predict the types of attendees. Theme parks have historically made me cringe simply because I know I will have to contend with some rabid child or entertainment-starved adult that never seemed to develop any manners or consideration for the world around them.

In combination, patronizing theme parks was not something my family pursued when I was a child. My father much preferred to immerse us in the outdoors far from the manicured landscapes and constructed courses of  so-called, “civilized” surroundings.

I had in fact tried to visit Epcot once before when I was in my early twenties. However, I became physically ill the moment I set foot in Orlando. Surprisingly, I felt tremendous the moment we crossed the city limits 4 days later. It was as if I had emerged from some oppressive confinement that had only brought me feelings of claustrophobia and nausea.

But many years have transpired – I now find myself in Florida – and of course, there is this bet.

Have you ever, or do you currently have a friend that could not be more opposite than you? I do.

Somehow fate and work aligned to bring me and one, Josh Kenzer together to plie the virtual waters of the web, and carve out our careers in integrated and online marketing. Despite being very different from me, he is an interesting fellow and one who’s company I enjoy. What makes him absolutely bizarre in my opinion is that, while being for all intensive purposes an intellectual, he has this child-like fascination with all that is Disney. In fact, he runs a rather successful Disney Blog.

Josh could also care less about the outdoors, and he loves to tease me by insinuating that he would be perfectly content if we completely paved over the entire world. In direct contrast, I obviously love the outdoors and would much prefer to be out in it than away from it.

So, herein lies the origins of our bet: I go to Disney, and he finds his way into the natural surroundings of his area, which is currently Phoenix, Arizona. I have since fulfilled my side of the bet, and it is now Josh’s turn. I look forward to hearing about his adventure of getting lost in the Sonoran Desert.

But I came away with something that I did not anticipate. I actually enjoyed Epcot this time around. Yes, the park is still frequented by various human mutations, but I went through some kind of permutation that made me realize how narrow-minded I can be. Instead of focusing on the artificialities and miring myself in negativity, I saw the positives of the park. And there were many. For example, you should ride Spaceship Earth and contemplate what our next monumental technological advancement will be. Consider how we will manage our food consumption in Living with the Land. Observe the incredible similarities between Moroccan and Chinese music. Either way, there’s plenty to glean.

No matter what you are doing always keep looking and listening with an open mind. You never know what you may find.    

Surfing at Sebastian Inlet

The coastline between Melbourne and Sebastian Inlet is littered with great surf spots, and it is not uncommon to catch the waves all to yourself. Because you are in what is described as central Florida, the water is much more blue and warm than the northern breaks. Even in the winter you can get away without a wet suit, but I would recommend a 3/2 full suit if not for the simple reason that you can stay out in the water for much longer.

Ever since I moved to Florida I keep a regular eye on the surf report, checking Surfline.com and Magic Seawood. It is interesting to see how often Sebastian Inlet catches a slightly larger swell than say Cocoa Beach. Also, it is far more tranquil and less developed. The thin stretch of land that separates the intercoastal waterway from the ocean makes for beautiful views on both the bay and ocean sides.

On my last visit to Sebastian Inlet the O’Neill Pro Surf Contest was just getting underway. As part of the week long series of events there is the “Red Bull Tow-At,” which involves towing competitors into the swells behind a waverunner. It gives the surfers the extra speed they need to pull of some pretty big air. It is certainly fun to watch.

If you want to experience some serious lens envy, just go to a surf contest. I was laughing my ass off pulling my little DV camera out and mounting it to my tripod. It was like having a water pistol in an artillery battle. Nevertheless, I was able to put together a little video of the action. I hope you enjoy it.

The intersection of work and lifestyle: Seattle, Washington